Become a Donor and Build Community...One Amazing Film at a Time.
We’re here for the community—building connections, providing entertainment In-Theatre as well as virtually, deepening our audience’s understanding of the history and societal context of our films, and presenting Holocaust education to local middle and high school students.
Through the power of cinema and through our #StandUp films, we connect our local Jewish community with diverse religious and ethnic groups, encourage inclusion, and educate about the ramifications of prejudice, antisemitism, racism and homophobia.
To do this, we need your support—as festival-goers and attendees at our Year-Round programs and as donors to our non-profit, the Independent Jewish World Cinema. As with most film festivals, tickets only account for 30 to 35 percent of our needed revenue and our student-attended screenings are either free or have greatly underwritten tickets.
Your donations provide the vital resources that support our mission of building a vibrant cultural community, using films that celebrate the Jewish experience and expand the general community’s understanding of Israel, Jewish history and Jewish society.
Thanking you in advance.​
2023-2024 Independent Jewish World Cinema Board
Riva Gambert
Director, EBIJFF and IJWC
Your Help is Needed
Make your contribution now through this website by clicking the "Donate Now" button above, or by check mailed to: IJWC (Independent Jewish World Cinema) P.O. Box 4869, Walnut Creek, CA 94596. For questions, please call 925.240.3053 and leave a message.
The IJWC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please check with your tax adviser regarding tax deductions of charitable contributions.