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The Foodie Film Fest

Start with 4 celebrated chefs and then stir in 4 food-focused movies, each of which plays for 6 days. The result is an exciting mix of cooking demos, personal culinary journeys and online film screenings!

Admissions to all of the Foodie Film Fest events are free. A separate registration is required for each chef demo and film.  Click the RSVP buttons for more info on the films, the chefs, their menus and links to the Facebook live event recordings.

Sponsors: EBIJFF & CCJCC.

Co-sponsors: Beth Chaim Cong., Cong. B'nai Shalom, Cong. B'nai Tikvah's Sisterhood and Diablo Valley Hadassah.

4 Tuesdays with 4 Celebrity Chefs plus 4 Weeks of Food-focused Films

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